Abode Homes - Wellington builders, Registered Master Builders, New Home Builders, New House Builders, House Plans and Designs, Wellington, Kapiti Coast
Abode Homes - Wellington builders, Registered Master Builders, New Home Builders, New House Builders, House Plans and Designs, Wellington, Kapiti Coast
Abode Homes - Wellington builders, Registered Master Builders, New Home Builders, New House Builders, House Plans and Designs, Wellington, Kapiti Coast
Abode Homes - Wellington builders, Registered Master Builders, New Home Builders, New House Builders, House Plans and Designs, Wellington, Kapiti Coast
Abode Homes - Wellington builders, Registered Master Builders, New Home Builders, New House Builders, House Plans and Designs, Wellington, Kapiti Coast

Start with one of our house plans…end up with your dream home

Our Pricing

Our Published Prices

  • Our published prices include GST, and are applicable to the greater Wellington region.

  • Prices will vary depending on specification, materials chosen and design configurations.

  • Our prices are current as at the published date but are subject to change without notice.

  • To ensure you have the latest and most current price, please check with us.

Quoted Prices and Itemised Costs

When providing our quoted prices, we itemise costs as:

  • Fixed Costs: These can include (but not limited to) materials, compliance and labour costs which are fixed at the time of sale and will not increase over the life of the building project.

  • Provisional Costs & Allowances: These are items that we are unable to confirm at the time of sale and a provision is allowed for. The final cost is adjusted up or down according to the final amount.

  • Contingency Costs: These are items that may or may not occur during your building project, however we prefer to make you aware of these costs from the outset.

Accuracy of Information

  • We have made every endeavour to ensure the information shown on the website is accurate as at the time of viewing. However, some of the information may not be accurate, due to changes occurring over time. For instance, plans and/or materials may no longer be available; and we may, for any reason, introduce changes that we deem necessary.

  • Published plans are conceptual and are intended to be used as a guide only and may or may not represent the final plan used for your specific project.

For more Information:  Simply Call Us on 0800 226 334 or contact us online.

Greater Wellington Region | Wairarapa | Kapiti Coast

Special Notice Nov 2024:

The plan prices shown are indicative only. Due to the volatility of input costs, such as building materials, our advertised plan prices are subject to change. Certain materials shown in our advertising renders may not be available at the time of your enquiry. For further information please contact us to obtain current price guides.